Careers Guidance at Chetwynde
Our Vision
The Careers Service aims to provide pupils with the knowledge, information and skills required to make informed choices about suitable courses at School, College and University and the opportunities available about jobs in the ‘real world’.
The Service aims to enable pupils to receive accurate and impartial information, advice and guidance about the options which are open to them and the progression routes to which those options lead.
To achieve these aims, pupils have Careers and Work-Related Learning lessons as part of PSHE, Form Time and compulsory Work Experience in Year 10. There are numerous careers themed careers assemblies throughout the school year for all year groups, including presentations on different further education options.
Pupils also have access to a comprehensive careers library, housed within the school library, plus there are links to websites with tips and advice for careers, apprenticeships and further Education on the school website.
Programmes of Study
Careers Education and Guidance at Chetwynde currently follows the statutory programme, providing a planned programme of Careers Education throughout the school. Information about opportunities in learning and work with advice and guidance given.
The programme of Careers Education takes place in Years 7 to 9 as part of the PSHE and form tutor time framework. Here, the students work through the STEPS career programme each week in form time additionally to this focused assembly time explores the range of career opportunities locally and nationally and the employability skills required for success.
Furthermore, to this, while in year nine students and parents are given Information sessions on the options process, referring to post 16 opportunities and pathways including apprenticeships.
Once the students reach KS4, there is a more structured approach to outside speakers who attend assemblies every week, giving a real insight into the labour market. Year 10 students complete the Build my Skills Booklet. The Assembly programme focuses on many aspects of the different career paths available to our students, additionally to this all year ten students complete a compulsory one-week work experience placement.
Useful links