Chetwynde School, Croslands, Rating Lane, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA13 0NY

01229 824210

Chetwynde School

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience

  1. News
  2. Chetwynde Check-in!

Chetwynde Check-in!

25 April 2020 (by admin)

25th April 2020

Hello All!

I have a secret to tell you all! Your teachers are missing you! Yes - it is true, they are yearning for the old routines, especially taking the register and hearing your friendly "good morning's".

I need your help to cheer them all up! We are going to start the 'Chetwynde Check-in' for senior school. We need you to say a cheery good morning to your form tutor every day (although, for some of you, I can appreciate it might be more like a "good afternoon"!). If you go to Teams and look for the 'Chat' icon on the lefthand side, it will open a chat window. Just search your form tutor's name and then you will be able to send them some happy salutations, best wishes or perhaps a funny joke to make them smile. We will be keeping an eye out for creativeness and kindness. I believe Mr Swainson is busy thinking of some kind of competition around our Chetwynde Check-in, I will keep you posted.

On a serious note, we want to know that you are all okay and coping. You all know that we take safeguarding seriously at Chetwynde. A daily check-in helps build a routine and gives us a chance to help you with any worries or concerns. We also fiercely, want to protect our Chetwynde family and keep us all connected as the days pass.

'Chetwynde Check-in' is open from 8:30 am to 4 pm.

There are some other ways to keep in touch with our school community. Join up to the ChetChat Facebook page and post what you are up to or find some inspiration for things to do and see some familiar faces. Sign up to the school's app (search 'School Jotter' in your app store) so that you receive the news items we post out regularly.

If you have any other ideas to help keep our community connected and strong, please let us know.

We are missing you all!

Chetwynde :)



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