Whiteboards and Pens8 December 2021 (by admin) |
8th December 2021
Dear Parent and Carers,
You may remember that on our return in September, we issued all children with mini-whiteboards. We did this to support teaching and learning in the classroom as teachers need to remain at a distance. The whiteboards proved a helpful tool and were being used regularly in classes, however over time, many of the students no longer had the boards.
Over the last two years, we are constantly honing our teaching practice and have adopted a set of teaching principles (Rosenshine’s Principles), including frequent knowledge retrieval. Mini-whiteboards are a perfect resource for this task. So, we have decided to re-issue all students in the senior school with a board and pen. There will be an absolute expectation that this is looked after and becomes a non-negotiable part of everyday school equipment and should be out on the student’s desk, alongside their pencil case every lesson. If boards are lost, or a new board marker is needed, you will be able to buy a replacement via Lunch stop:
- Whiteboard £1
- Pen 40p
We look forward to your support with this endeavour.
Kind regards,
Jill Robinson
Assistant Headteacher
Teaching & Learning