Introduction to Year...
Welcome to Year 4. The teacher in Year 4 is Miss Bradley.
We are a friendly and helpful class who are always eager to learn. By Year 4 we are guiding the children to become more independent learners in readiness for Years 5 and 6.
As part of our curriculum we enjoy a trip linked to our Anglo-Saxons and Vikings unit, as well as being part of the Year 6 end of year show.
Learning at Home:
It is important that your child is reading regularly at home. Ideally, we would like your child to read 5 times a week for 10 minutes. When reading with them, remember to discuss the text as you are reading, for example asking them why a character may have said something in a certain way and what emotions it may show. Please ensure that your child has their school reading book and reading record in school daily.
During the Summer term, Year 4 pupils have to undertake a statutory Multiplication Check. Along with reading with your child please help them in practising their times tables ready for the Multiplication Check.
Learning at School: